Thursday, December 11, 2008

How about some good news?

For the past couple weeks it seems as though the front pages of newspapers have been plastered with new disasters or attacks. It seems like if it's not happening in Mumbai, then it's going to happen on the other side of the world in Harare. What makes news is what gets people worried. And there's nothing better than putting a huge picture of it on the front page.
Under these conditions, I found it rather comforting and pleasing to see that the local newspapers haven't failed me. It was fun to see an article in the fairfax times that commended outstanding achievement among the academic crowd. This article simply highlighted six principals that gave outstanding service and contribution to their school and all educational organizations. Would many really consider this to be news though? I mean, it's not necessarily intriguing to the average citizen and it certainly doesn't effect most people that read it. So, should these stories be kept in the papers or should we stick to our average death and destruction pieces that keep people interested?
In my opinion, we should see more of these types of stories occur. If not in the national papers, then definitely in the local papers. It's important to have a good mix of "good" news and "bad" news. After all, news is suppose to inform us on what is going on in the world and it's nice to hear that good things happen.

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