Saturday, November 1, 2008

Local News Informing the Public

   As an absentee ballot voter, I took interest to some of the controversy that is going on right now in my home county.  Apparently, the recently appointed registrar for Fairfax County has been accused of suppressing certain group's absentee votes.  Specifically it is the armed forces that are directly affected by this, but some issues have rolled over to civilians.  Most of the contention is due to inadequately filled out ballots as well as improperly filled out envelopes.  It makes me wonder what is happening to my vote and if virginia's votes are being counted accurately.  If anyone has the right to vote, then how come their votes are being voided because of technicalities?  Since virginia is a key state this election, it certain will have an impact.
     This is certainly an issue that only the community papers could have picked up this early in the elections.  The media's address of this issue will help it to be resolved before Nov. 4th, in my opinion.  What would we do without the small time papers?  Yeah, a lot of stuff is not particularly interesting, but it all makes it worth while for those few stories that they pick up, when other papers simply don't care.  

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