Sunday, October 5, 2008

News Wars- A Loosing Battle

     The video entitled "News War: What's Happening to the News?" attempted to define where, exactly, the newspaper industry is going.  One of the most prominent messages that was throughout the video was that the newspaper industry changed as soon as it was obvious that big money could be made in it.  Before, the job of a newspaper was to inform the people and tell them what they did not already know, but what was also necessary for them to know.  Not nearly as much money was made then, as is now.  However, the desire to make the big bucks lead to big businesses and media conglomeration.  This would seem all well and good except that newspapers changed to tell the people what they want to hear and not necessarily what they needed to hear.  As stated in the video, this lead to more outlets created for ways to view the news and more outlets means more unneeded stories, just to get the ratings.  As the public is realizing this, the pressing question becomes more of whether that's what they really want or not.
     Wouldn't the newspaper business be completely different if news was still made for the purpose of telling people what they really need to hear?  I think that the people are noticing this and are now trying to be apart of the news in hopes to improve it.  If the newspaper was really covering the news for the people's sake and not just to please the shareholders, they wouldn't be in quite the mess that they are in today.  However, this trend doesn't seem to be going away any time soon and so the newspaper companies will have to work around the people now being apart of the news.  As it stands, this is the only way the newspaper industry can stay alive and also how the people can get better news.  

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