Saturday, October 18, 2008

Daily Show sheds light on truth?

     Adam Chodikoff is a researcher hired by the Daily Show, not to write jokes, but to research.  His research covers everything displayed by news programs in hopes to find something eye catching, which can be used to play jokes on.  However, "Chodikoff's work goes beyond satire and into the realm of cold truth telling," says the Washington Post.  His work is able to uncover all those stories and connections that regular news simply don't find and aren't even looking for.  In his words he feels that TV news world, "doesn't have an interest in rocking the status quo because it's entrenched with the status quo."  So, is the Daily News actually presenting news?  The Washington Post seems to think that enough research, from Chodikoff, can be viewed as a type of news.
     Does this anti-establishment broadcast really help though?  It seems as though either way you get information from TV it is in some really biased form.  It's apparent that the public isn't satisfied with just news programs because of their biased nature.  However, do we really want to get the opposite influences from programs like the Daily Show.  Is it safe to say that a good chunk of the reason Americans feel America is not headed in the right direction, is because of programs like the Daily Show?  If so, is this really the happy medium of news broadcasting that we, the people, want?


Marissa said...

I think that it's refreshing to see a news show that is so transparent in their prejudices. Yes, The Daily Show makes light of news, and yes, sometimes their volatile coverage of that news tends to undermine the solemnity and impact of the news. But not only do I enjoy watching the Daily Show because it makes me laugh, but I also watch because I can count on Jon Stewart not to lie to me and then expect me to view his opinion as the truth.

Jon Stewart expects me to view his opinion as two things: funny, and as his opinion.

And so I do support "news shows" like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, because I think that, through humor, they are able to say things that no other news show can. They cover stories that would appear too prejudiced if another, more serious station tried to cover it. And most of all, they make me laugh.

Rebecca Lane said...

It is clear that The Daily Show does not follow the same journalist values that journalism mediums must follow. However, I agree partially with Marissa in saying that it is a relief that you can get pieces of news from Jon Stewart and know that he is biased, so you don't have to agree with him. It is important to have the strict news mediums to keep facts straight and receive news without the sarcasm and jokes.

While I do enjoy the humorous angle The Daily Show takes in delivering news, I do not believe that it is the only way to entertain with news. Journalists can write their articles in a story like manner or another entertaining way that can provide just as much entertainment and facts as The Daily Show.